If you remember, I wrote a couple of DIY articles on how to put a start button and a kill switch in your E36. Then, I wrote an article about constructing your own panel that will hold the buttons... Well, I have to admit, that panel was just too ugly for me to put it in my new E36. And it was eliminating half of my dashboard controls (including my new gauges).
After a long brainstorming session, I decided to go with the flow. I've put my on/off switches on the center console, in front of the shifter - where the cigarette lighter used to be. That came out nicely, but left me with a 'small' problem... Where to put the kill switch? Ha! And I found the perfect solution... Scroll down, you'll see it :)
Yea! I even kept the illumination of the cigarette lighter!
And now, ladies and gentleman... The one and only...
Clock Switch! um... no, wait... that's not right...
The one and only...
I know I'm over-exited, but, hey, I didn't have to buy a new panel. (I must admit, they look so damn' good!)
A couple of cool things...
Start button for $33.11!

Kill switch for $14.95!

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